- Snack Bar
- Kitchen
- Passenger Baths (disabled access)
- Panoramic bridges
- Solarium terrace
- VHS / DVD Video / Radio Audio System
- 42 "Plasma Screens in all Salons

Cantiere Navale Foschi - Cesenatico
Year of Construction 2008
Lenght 40,00 mt
Width 8,20 mt
Max. speed 30 Knt
Max. passenger capacity 450 pax
Passengers Panoramic Salons
Max draft of screw 2,50mt. Motorized with two electronic “MTU Mercedes” type 16V4000M70 of 2320 kW each in continuous service;
Propulsion by two indipendent 5 bladed screws by Bisognani Spa;
System of stabilizing fins Rodriquez Marine System;
Two Onan electric generators for a total of 100 kW
2 Bars
1 Resturant
7 Toilets (disabled access)
2 Open Decks
1 Restaurant Deck
1 Panoramic Solarium
4 Cabin Crews
Bow and Stern Thrusters for maneuvering assistance of the Rodriguez Marine System.
On board fresh water production 500 lt per hour.
Fuel Reserve 5.000 lt;
Fuel capacity 21.000 lt;
Range 650 miles;
Air conditioning in crew living area and master bridge;
Boats and lifesaving equipment for 105 of passenger capacity.
Equipped with the most advanced technology in propulsion control as well as ship safety.
Provided of a closed-circuit TV system with 16 videocameras to monitor and record public areas, in addition to temperature, water and smoke detectors.
Vessel certified by Genova’s RINA offices (Italian Shipping Register) and by the SMS System (Safety Management System)